Saturday 14 May 2011

Lulu the Book Part 3 (The Nest)

LULU Part Three.
                                    THE NEST 2004

            CHAPTER 1

            At the end of the last “episode” I had wondered whether the nest, which Lulu had used, would be used again. There had been a pair of geese around my house. Or in the vicinity thereof on and off a couple of days after Lulu had vacated it. I saw them close to my house a couple of times and figured it was Lulu and her hubby again. They were not regular visitors and did seem to be more wary of me than Lulu and her hubby was so I did not think too much about it.
            This morning, Monday 22nd of November 2994 I noticed two geese in the tree close to where the nest is. They did seem to be bigger than Lulu and her “beau” but I cannot be sure. I took my still camera up as close as I could go and got some pics but as soon as I went closer to try and get a shot from underneath the nest she/he flew away and landed in the camp where the horses are.
            Is this the beginning of a new saga?? Are these Lulu’s parents from last year?? We will just have to wait and see.

            CHAPTER 2

            It is Tuesday 23rd and it seems as if the “Nest” will be occupied sooner than I expected. As usual I went to have a look this morning at around 5am to find that the geese were already in the vicinity and one of them was already on the nest. I am still not sure which pair they are. Whether it is Lulu again? (which I doubt). or, the wild geese. OR, is it the pair I let go about five years ago? I will just have to persevere for a while and see what transpires.
            One interesting thing that happened today was that when I got too close both of the geese flew away but only as far as my house. I think they will be doing renovations to the nest before they move in but they have all day to do that while I am at work. I have a feeling that this pair are the pair which have been around my place every season since I let the female go. I still have not given her a name. Maybe “Freedom” will suit her?

            This morning the other pair of geese flew over them and I am not sure whether they were greeting the others or not but they did not stop or get aggressive towards them at all.
            I have been watching a little bird removing down from the nest and even though the geese are back again, it has not stopped it helping itself. Maybe it will stop when the geese take up residency on a more permanent basis?

            CHAPTER 3

            It is Sunday 28/11 with nothing much to report on the “comings and goings” around the nest. The other pair of geese are in the area almost every day and I have photographed them on a number of occasions around the nest but I am still not sure whether they are going to be using it. I think that in Lulus case she would probably lay an egg a day before she settled to hatch them and it was a couple of weeks before she really remained on the nest. I think it might be possible with this pair as well, in that she is laying an egg every day (while I am not around) and then leaving for the day. This will take a week or so, depending on how many she wants to lay.
There is something, which bothers me a little and that is that I have seen a couple of Crows around the nest as well which could be bad news for the geese if they are
laying eggs. I have only seen them once though but I only check on the nest once or twice a day so who knows what is happening while I am not watching?

            CHAPTER 4
            It is now Sunday 5/12 and it seems as if I was right in the new geese taking about two weeks before taking residence on the nest because today I found both of them on the nest. I have a feeling that they were mating as well. I took a couple of long- range photos but when I tried to get closer they flew away. Not too far mind
you, they landed in the camp behind the nest. So, it does seem as if soon they will be staying “home” for longer periods. During the week I have been seeing them in the vicinity of my house but not on the nest. I have not been watching as closely as before though because I have a baby Reedbuck in my life now who takes up quite a bit of my time.
            It also does seem to be the other pair of geese and not Lulu and her hubby.

This is the END of this chapter. Go to “Lulu epilogue” for a continuance of the story.

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